This is not a complete list, but rather the more common causes of toxicities or harm to domestic pets that we see in our practice
Chocolate – the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous
Grapes and raisins
Onions, garlic (and powders) leeks, chives, shallots
Xylitol – artificial sweetener in chewing gum, sugarless lollies, and other sugar-free products which may be used by diabetics. Sorbitol is toxic, but not as toxic as xylitol
Fatty foods and excess fat
Alcohol, especially beer, as hops are toxic.
Macadamia nuts
Mouldy and spoiled foods
Salt – contained in play dough, salt water/sea water
Dried chicken products, especially if manufactured in China
Avocado is mildly toxic to dogs. The seed can cause intestinal blockage.
Cherry, plum and peach seeds which contain cyanide, and may also cause intestinal blockages
Cooked bones often cause constipation or blockage
Some plants (there are many more): Lilies cause sudden onset renal failure; rhododendrons; azaleas; tulips; daffodils; sago palm seeds; pointsettias; lantana; peace lily
Mushrooms and toadstools
Human medications and herbal products such as ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol, antidepressants, ADHD medications, tea tree oil, pennyroyal oil, ephedra
Animal medications which are overdosed or which may cause individual reactions, such as Metacam, Rimadyl.
Use in wrong species such as permethrins which are safe in dogs but not in cats
Poisons such as rat baits; snail baits; car antifreeze (ethylene glycol, which has a sweet taste); cleaning solutions such as bleach; fertilizers;, heavy metals, such as lead in old paint; mercury.
