Separation Anxiety

Out of the 4.2 million dogs in Australia it is estimated 8-11% have separation anxiety.
Common behaviours associated with separation anxiety include:
Destruction of home and/or garden
Inappropriate elimination or urination
Self-mutation or over-grooming
Excessive vocalisation/barking
Unwilling to eat
Attempts at escape
Behavioural depression
Separation anxiety may merit use of pheromone therapy or anti-anxiety medications. These are simple and effective solutions. If you feel your dog is not coping while you are not home and showing any of the above behaviours, feel free to contact us for additional advice.
Click below for tips on dealing with separation anxiety in your dog using the BOND method:
Separation Anxiety Tips Source: Elanco

Cat Urinating in the House
Inappropriate urination on bedding, furniture or laundry can indicate some urinary issues but can also be due to stress.
Common causes of inappropriate urination include:
- urinary tract infections (UTI) - urinary crystal and/or stone formation (crystalluria and or/ urolith formation) - stress (Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) / Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)) - territorial marking - dirty litter boxes
If your cat is urinating inappropriately in your home is is best to have a urine analysis performed to rule out urinary tract infections or crystal formation. Cats' health can decline rapidly if their bladder becomes blocked by crystals or stones. Contact us to arrange a urine analysis. If this is ruled out and the underlying cause is FIC / FLUTD, see below for some tips for relieving cat stress.
10 Ways to Relieve Cat Stress
Source: Hills

Storm/Firework Phobia
Aids available in reducing anxiety and fear during storms/fireworks:
creating a den that is dark, quiet and makes your dog feel secure.
commercially available 'storm jackets' or wraps. Try creating your own wrap here. (Source:
pheromone therapy
noise desensitisation CD's are available and can help in some instances. We have one available to hire, ask us if it may be useful for your pet. Effectiveness of methods varies between individuals. It is best to discuss your concerns with us directly.

Any display of aggression should be taken seriously. Contact us directly for immediate advice.
Aggression can be triggered by various causes:
- fear
- possessive (food/toys/bedding/owner)
- pain
- dominance
Click below for the visual cues your dog provides on the 'Aggression Ladder'
Does your dog growl? Don't punish them, here's why: